Practice Areas
Trucking Accidents
The trucking industry generates revenue exceeding 600 billion dollars annually. That number is expected to double by 2015. The terrible consequence of all that profitable activity is often catastrophic injury or the loss of human life. There are on average more than 500,000 trucking collisions in the United States every year. The weight of many of the truck-trailer combinations involved exceed 80,000 pounds. It is therefore not surprising that one in every eight fatality accidents involves a trucking collision. Because of this danger, trucking companies and their drivers are subject to special commercial truck driver and carrier laws and regulations specifically aimed at protecting the public.

The attorneys at Juneau, Boll & Stacy, PLLC are experienced in truck accident litigation and applicable laws and regulations. We have often been called upon to investigate trucking collisions to determine whether our clients were injured or killed by the negligence or recklessness of a trucking company or its driver. Crucial to that evaluation is a intricate knowledge of the laws and regulations, including the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, applicable to trucking companies and their drivers. Equally important is the litigation experience and financial resources necessary to retain the right consultants with expertise in collecting and analyzing vehicle maintenance, driver training, accident reconstruction, biomechanical, engineering and technical “black box” information. The attorneys at Juneau, Boll & Stacy, PLLC have knowledge, experience and financial resources required to successfully investigate and prosecute a trucking accident injury or wrongful death claim.
Trucking companies usually have large commercial insurance policies as well as excess, umbrella or reinsurance coverages. The claims process can therefore be very complex and is often adversarial. The trucking company will have experienced adjusters and attorneys working on its side from the very beginning. Make sure you are also well represented. Trust the attorneys at Juneau, Boll & Stacy, PLLC to stand up to the trucking company, its insurers and attorneys to get you and your family the compensation you deserve.